About Us

Step into our world of boundless possibilities at our newest department store. We’re thrilled to welcome you to a haven that goes beyond shopping – it’s an experience tailored just for you. With over 20 carefully curated brands, our store is a reflection of your unique lifestyle and preferences. Whether you’re on the hunt for the latest fashion trends or having the best afternoon with your friends at Lowes Lounge. Our aim is to be your go-to destination, offering a personal touch to every purchase. It’s not just about products; it’s about crafting a vibrant atmosphere that resonates with the best of contemporary style and unparalleled variety.  Come and explore the extraordinary at our new department store – your space, your style, your story. Welcome to a world of personalised shopping like never before!

Our Strategic Pillars

We’re authentic: We stay true to our roots and heritage while embracing innovation.

We’re elevating: We inspire and set new standards of style, continuously raising the bar.

We’re innovating: We foster innovation in the fashion industry, pushing boundaries and embracing creativity.

Our Values

People-Centric: We put people at the core of everything we do.

Aspirational: We inspire others to reach greater heights in fashion and lifestyle.

United: We work together in harmony to achieve our common goals.

Welcome to Barlowes, where fashion meets excellence, and your aspirations come to life.